Creating family routines and traditions

Creating family routines and traditions

Reading Time: 5 minutesOne thing I love about being a mom is spending time with my little Peanut. We are still very early in our relationship, so we are in the interesting stage of creating routines and family traditions.

Our Breastfeeding Journey

Our Breastfeeding Journey

Reading Time: 14 minutesWhen our first baby was born, I intended to breastfeed exclusively by nursing and pump when I returned to work. But a severe tongue-tie and small birth size threw an unexpected wrench in our plans. Our breastfeeding journey was filled with many

Week of Gratitude: Day 5

Reading Time: < 1 minuteI hope everyone has had a nice Thanksgiving! Today is all about giving thanks, and we’re now over

5 Tips to Survive and Thrive

5 Tips to Survive and Thrive

Reading Time: 5 minutesOur little Peanut is two months old. It is amazing how fast time flies when you are caring for a newborn, even though there are moments in the middle of the night when it may seem like the baby never falls back

Six Weeks Post-birth

Six Weeks Post-birth

Reading Time: 7 minutesDuring your first pregnancy, no doubt you had or will have numerous individuals tell you that once your little

8 Things I learned from childbirth

8 Things I learned from childbirth

Reading Time: 7 minutesJust as every woman and every baby are unique, every pregnancy and childbirth are also unique experiences and not always comparable. I was very fortunate to have a relatively easy and smooth pregnancy. My little Peanut came two weeks early and fast.

New Beginnings: Our Birth Story, Baby #1

New Beginnings: Our Birth Story, Baby #1

Reading Time: 7 minutesOur adorable little firstborn son, we shall call him Peanut for now, was born Saturday, August 27, 2016, at 6:18pm. He was 4 lbs 11 oz and 16 inches long. For those interested, this is our birth story. The day was August

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