5 ways to build or re-build your emergency fund

5 ways to build or re-build your emergency fund

Reading Time: 7 minutes An emergency fund. Everyone should have one. Financial experts recommend that an emergency fund should cover at least three months of your normal expenses. In today’s economy when the majority of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck and strapped with debt, building an

15 Simple Ways to Save A Little Money

15 Simple Ways to Save A Little Money

Reading Time: 10 minutes Like many families, we made the choice to live on a single income so my husband is able to stay home with our fifteen-month-old son. It is not always easy to stay in budget when emergencies happen. We completely understand and

Maintaining an older car

Maintaining an older car

Reading Time: 5 minutes Back to school time also means back to work for my husband, who currently works for a local school district. Over the summer, he spoiled me by driving me to and from work everyday. It was great to be dropped off

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