If God exists, does He care about what happens to us?

If God exists, does He care about what happens to us?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAs the world grapples with so much uncertainty and sadness... pandemic, unemployment, tragedies, unrest... many people are asking the big questions in life: Does God really exist, and if so, does He care about what’s happening to us? Why is there so

Do something by Eunice Smart

Do something by Eunice Smart

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe following message was written by my friend Eunice Smart. Throughout the Scriptures, God’s people are called to stand for justice and speak for those who cannot. At A Heavenly Home, we believe that the home – the family – should be

Raising wise children (His Encouragement)

Raising wise children (His Encouragement)

Reading Time: 3 minutesToday’s Scripture My son, if your heart is wise, my heart too will be glad. Proverbs 23:15, ESV Being a parent is not easy even in the best of times, but challenges and crisis can bring an entirely new level of difficulty.

Take a break (His Encouragement)

Take a break (His Encouragement)

Reading Time: 4 minutesToday’s Scripture My heart is in anguish within me;    the terrors of death have fallen upon me.Fear and trembling come upon me,    and horror overwhelms me.And I say, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove!    I would fly away and be at rest;7yes, I would wander

A living hope (His Encouragement)

A living hope (His Encouragement)

Reading Time: 4 minutes Tomorrow is the day when Christendom observes the death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, the sinless sacrifice to atone for the sins of all humanity. Though called by many "Good Friday", it is often a day of solemn

Hope in crisis (His Encouragement)

Hope in crisis (His Encouragement)

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe Bible verses In light of the crisis that our communities, countries, and the world is facing, I am going to do things a little differently. Instead of selecting only one verse of encouragement, I have selected some Bible verses to bring

Delivered from all my fears (His Encouragement)

Delivered from all my fears (His Encouragement)

Reading Time: 3 minutesHaving fear is a valid response to what we are facing, but we need to be careful that this fear does not prevent us from living. Psalm 34:4 encourages us to seek out the Lord when we are afraid. "I sought the

Speak up for those who cannot (His Encouragement)

Speak up for those who cannot (His Encouragement)

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen I stop and take a hard look around, I see injustice at every level of society and in every place in the world. When I see such suffering and injustice in the world, I am reminded that my God is different.

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