If God exists, does He care about what happens to us?

If God exists, does He care about what happens to us?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the world grapples with so much uncertainty and sadness… pandemic, unemployment, tragedies, unrest… many people are asking the big questions in life:

  1. Does God really exist, and if so, does He care about what’s happening to us?
  2. Why is there so much evil and suffering in the world?
  3. What happens when we die?
  4. Where is this world actually headed?

Remarkably, the Bible — God’s Word — provides answers to all of these questions. Join us May 31 through June 13 for a livestreaming Bible class: Unlocking Bible Prophecies.

This first-of-its-kind class is presented by Cami Oetman.

Ten years ago, Cami had a real encounter with God that would change her life forever. She was a successful entrepreneur at the time, and the transition wasn’t easy. However, the truth Cami will share in this series was so compelling that she knew every human being in the world should experience the love of Jesus as she had.

Within three years, she had preached 350 Bible presentations. Today, as a vice president for Adventist World Radio, Cami travels the world documenting the miracles that take place when people give their hearts to Jesus.

Think of this as a master class in Bible study and Bible prophecy. Whether you’ve never before cracked open a Bible, or have been studying it all your life, you’ll gain new insights from this series!

Above all, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of Jesus’ love for you, and emerge with an even closer relationship with Him.

You don’t have to search for answers alone. I’ll be tuning in to Unlocking Bible Prophecies starting Sunday, May 31st. Will you join me?

Learn more & register today!

Unlocking Bible Prophecies, a masterclass in the Bible, starts May 31st!


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