This post is part of the series His Encouragement
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A cheery and warm welcome, dearest friends, to His Encouragement: Biblical Inspiration for Your Thursday. Every Thursday, a few blogging friends and I will each bring you a Bible passage and a little hope-filled discussion. We pray that these Thursday posts help you end your week strong in God’s love and purpose for you. We also welcome you to join the conversation by commenting with your thoughts. God bless!
Today’s Encouragement
“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” — Ephesians 5:19, KJV
I love music, and I especially love singing hymns. When I was growing up, my mom always had music playing in our house: worship songs, kid’s praise, Classical, 90s country, Disney soundtracks. Our family is musically inclined. Both of my parents played in their high school band; my dad played flute and my mom played anything she picked up: flute, piccolo, carnet, oboe. She also taught herself how to play clarinet, piano, and a modified saxophone. They encouraged my sisters and I to sing, and I also followed in their footsteps and played flute during middle school.
I guess you could say, the musical foundation my parents laid paid off. My younger sister, who sang in choirs throughout her life, now has a music ministry with her husband called Cyiza Music. She has her debut album, New Life, available on Spotify under her maiden name featuring all original songs. (I wrote two of the songs and co-wrote with my sister a third.) Cyiza Music is just weeks away from launching their first combined album produced by the famous Gather Studios, and this is album is mostly brand new original songs. I heard a demo recently, and it was amazing! The Lord has really blessed them. Stay tuned for more info soon.
Until then, here is a song from their concert series.
As for me, I am a worship leader at my local church, which means I lead out in the music once or twice a month, and occasionally I do special music. Music may not be in the forefront of my life like it is my younger sister’s, but it has had a huge impact on me. I am so blessed to have had a mother and father who loved music and played music in our home. I lean towards the classic and old-time hymns, as these match my voice best.
Here is a super old one (and my absolute favorite of favorites) that my mom and I learned together on a roadtrip: There is Sunlight on the Hilltops. The lyrics and tune were written by Mrs. M.T. Haughey (1886) and inspired by 2 Corinthians 4:6, which reads: “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
As a mom myself, I want to pass on this blessing to my own children. I admit, I have not been doing such a good job of it lately. I have been tired — plumb worn out — not feeling too well, and emotionally drained. However, last night an hour before my older son’s bedtime, my husband and I turned all of the lights off or low and put on a lovely little lullaby album. The calming sounds reminded me of the importance of beautiful music.
Want beautiful lullabies? Check out Scripture Lullabies and Twin Sisters. (We love the It’s Night Night Time album!) For older kids, check out Psalty and the Kids Praise Kids for music with a message. (I grew up with volumes 1-6.)
Music is so powerful. It can influence our mood for good or for ill, which is why I love beautiful music, especially music that praises the Lord. So if you are exhausted, emotionally drained, feeling down, put on some beautiful music and praise the Lord.
Now it is your turn! How does today’s verse encourage you? What verse or passage is blessing you today?
Be sure to also visit my fellow bloggers and read their encouragement for your Thursday as well:
- Trisha of Joy of Reading
- Nicole of The Christian Fiction Girl
- Jessica of A Baker’s Perspective
- Becca of The Becca Files
Are you a blogger? If you would like to join us every Thursday, please contact Trisha or Nicole.
Continue reading this series:
His Encouragement: Let your light shine
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Praise music and hymns are my favorite! I enjoyed listening to your sister sing. Are they coming to Andrews University, or have they already been??
Cyiza Music was at Andrews for a special event last year, but I’m sure they will be back! They are actually on their way right now to the Iowa-Missouri campmeeting. If you love praise music, you will really love their new album when it is released. (As you probably can tell, I’m super excited for them. Haha!)
Worship music is so important to me. It quiets my soul and helps me to look to the Lord and away from the problems of this life. Thanks for sharing this today! <3